Microneedling Treatment FAQs
What is radio frequency and how does it work?
Radio frequency (RF) is an advanced technology that safely heats the collagen in the skin (dermis). If sufficient energy is delivered, the collagen will contract, providing an immediate change in skin appearance. The treatment also triggers a second process of new collagen production, leading to a significant change in skin appearance. A result of collagen remodeling is tighter, younger looking skin.
RF has two major intrinsic advantages over other technologies: 1) it penetrates deeper into the skin and 2) it is not affected by skin color.
What are the disadvantages of other types of available RF treatments?
Earlier types of RF technology either penetrated too deeply into the tissue, which can be painful and may results in surface of sub-surface burns, or they deliver heat too superficially which limits their clinical benefit.
What is the unique advantage of EndyMed 3DEEP RF technology?
3DEEP RF represents the newest variation on RF technology, an evolution of RF-based professional skin tightening, body contouring and fractional skin resurfacing systems.
3DEEP technology, comprised of multiple electrodes, offers, for the first time, a safe, energy-based system that combines delivery of controlled heat deep into the skin, while preserving the overlying epidermis.
Treatment parameters are personalized according to body area and skin characteristics.
How many treatments are required to see the results?
Results of 3DEEP Fractional Skin Resurfacing can be seen as quickly as one week following a SINGLE treatment. Additional skin improvement is noticed over time – with continuous improvement up to 3 months after treatment. For more damaged skin of acne scars, 1-2 additional treatments will be needed to enhance the outcome of the treatment.
What should I expect after 3DEEP Microneedling treatment?
Following a microneedling treatment, you will be able to cover the treatment area with makeup and resume normal activities about 30 minutes after the treatment is concluded. Any minor skin swelling or redness will disappear within 2-3 hours after the treatment.
After two days, you may notice small microscopic crusts on your skin. These crusts are easily covered by makeup and will resolve naturally within 5-7 days after the treatment. Within one week after the treatment, your skin will show the benefits of a brighter and smoother look.
How long does the effect of the 3DEEP Microneedling treatment last?
The improvement in skin quality should be long lasting, however, proper skin care and sun protection will help to preserve the results.